
Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to make Yogurt (Curd)?

Are you in search for an easy method to make curd, like the store bought ones? Then you should try this method. I am sure you will be a happy person like me:-)
One year back, I still remember about my worries of sour curd. Newly married...not that much experienced in kitchen...Many things went wrong for the first time...Making curd was also one among them.Even my amma didn't have good results with curd. So I was in search of a good method. Finally it was my friend who came to my rescue. I learnt this method from him. I got a Tablespoon of yogurt from him and tried it. My god! It came out perfect! I just couldn't believe my eyes. From then onward, I never failed. So try this method and see that even you can match it with the store bought ones. I am always thankful to my friend, for this method:-)

  • Milk- liter or nearly 4 cups (0.26 gallon)*
  • Yogurt/Curd- 1 1/2 Tbsp**
I used 2% milk. You can as well use whole milk, to get more rich and creamy yogurt. 
**The curd shouldn't be very sour.


Add milk to a container and start heating it on a medium flame (I have two stainless steel vessel reserved, to make curd. I boil as well make and store the curd in the same vessel). Turn off the heat, once it reaches its boiling point. Let it cool for some time (10-15 minutes). When the milk is still warm, take few tablespoons of the relatively warmer milk in a bowl. To this add curd and mix vigorously. Add this beaten mixture to the warm milk and mix well. Close the container with a lid and leave in warm place over night or for 6-8 hours (I keep it in a warm oven). Thick and creamy Yogurt is ready!!

Enjoy it! Store it in a refrigerator for future use.


  1. Hi. I wanted to know if i can use the store bought yogurt to add to the warm milk. Will that work? I live in the US (California).

    Thank you.

  2. Oh yes Anupama. You can surely use the store bought yogurt. Sorry for the delay in reply.

  3. This is how I have always made it. Turns out well indeed! What were you doing different before? Just out of curiosity if you don't mind.

    1. I don't remember exactly. I think I was adding curd to the cold milk. Recently I came to know that the bacteria are more active in warm milk.
