Monday, November 25, 2013

How To Sprout Beans?

Beans are a good source of protein for Vegetarians. Sprouting the beans increases their nutritional value. Learn about it here. Making sprouts at home is so easy. It is always better than buying the store bought sprouts. I hope this post will inspire you to make sprouts at home. If you are already making them then pat your back :-)


  • Dry Beans (any variety) - 3/4 cup
  • Cheese Cloth - Optional
  • Bowl/ Jar


Wash the beans and soak them in enough water for 8- 10 hours.

After soaking, they plump up and look like this-

Now discard the water and rinse the soaked beans 1-2 times (drain the water completely).
The main requirements for germination to happen is little bit of moisture and air.
Method 1: This is the method I follow. I have a microwave rice cooker which has holes at the top (steam vent). I put the soaked beans in it.
Then invert the colander (it is a part of the cooker) on the beans loosely. 

Then just place the lid over it. Finally I keep it in oven (of course turned off) for 12- 24 hours depending on the weather (sprinkle little water if the beans are dry, after few hours). The sprouts are ready.

Method 2: In case if you don't have a rice cooker, then simply place the soaked, drained beans in a bowl and close it with a cheese cloth and place it in a warm place (sprinkle little water if the beans are dry, after few hours).

Method 3: In this method you just put the soaked beans in a cotton cloth (or cheese cloth) and tie it tightly. Then just place it in a warm place (sprinkle little water if the beans are dry, after few hours). I don't prefer this method as some of the sprouts get stuck to the cloth and they tend to break while removing. 

Above measurement of beans makes 3 cups of sprouted beans.

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